Thursday 9 June 2016


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Today at discovery I made a fortune teller. I also helped Emily do one to. I did the fortune teller to mostly every one. The people liked it even if they got a bad thing. The fortune teller was hard to make.

Monday 6 June 2016

How to make a delicious Milo

How to make a delicious milo Equipment needed:Milo powder,Milk,Hot water,A mug,and a spoon Step 1.Put three tea spoons of milo powder in your mug. Step 2.Get the milk and put half a cup of milk in your mug with milo powder. Step 3.When you have finished that put as much hot water in with every thing else so the milo is a bit hot but not to hot Step 4.After that you may want to dunk any kind of biscuit in your milo. Step 5.DRINK !Hope you enjoy your delicious milo!

Thursday 2 June 2016

Violet's Post on Friday, 3 June 2016

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This is my sign that team 67 had to make. Team 67 made it because the sign in the bush was not clear to any students at frankley school. My sign had to have BOLD writing,clear symbols,bright colours and clear messages.hope that little kids will know to stop.